The Saffronization of Occupied Kashmir: Demystifying Hindu(tva) Settler Colonial Designs

The revocation of Article 370 on 5th August 2019 has brought about a paradigm shift in the socio-political landscape of Kashmir. Following the unilateral revocation of this article that granted ‘semi-autonomous’ status to the Indian Occupied Kashmir by perpetuating hermeneutical violence, India has initiated a multifaceted socio-psychological re-engineering of Kashmir’s religious and cultural landscape–––, effectuating a transition of  its rule in Kashmir from  occupational constitutionalism of the Brahmanical Indian National Congress era  to a settler colony project under the aegis of Hindu(tva) forces at the present.

This report analyzes the intricate array of legal, political, and socio-cultural engineering employed by the Indian state to orchestrate this Hindu(tva) settler colonial project, drawing upon historical continuities from the Dogra Hindu Raj to its contemporary manifestations in the form of BJP-RSS led saffronisation project. Employing a critical lens and fact driven in-depth ground reportings, it scrutinizes the systematic erosion of Kashmiri Muslim identity as evidenced by alterations in the educational system, linguistic imposition, cultural transformation, institutional saffronisation, and the proliferation of Hindu pilgrimage and symbolisms. Beyond mere demographic ramifications of the extermination of Kashmiri Muslims, this report argues that these interventions can inflict egregious violations of human rights and pose a profound threat to regional stability. Consequently, this report underscores the imperative for international scrutiny and intervention to address the entrenched ideological colonization in order to uphold the inalienable rights of the masses, including the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri populace.

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