
2024 Bi-Annual Review: Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

The first six months of 2024 (January-June) saw a continued trend of state repression and counter-insurgency operations in the war-trampled…

CategoriesPolicy Brief

Heat wave and health hazards: Kashmiri female political prisoners in India face dire situation that must be addressed

United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners: Prisoners shall be required to keep their persons clean, and…


15 years of impunity and erasure

15 years after the horrendous rape and murder, the Indian state continues to erase our memory,


The Saffronization of Occupied Kashmir: Demystifying Hindu(tva) Settler Colonial Designs

The revocation of Article 370 on 5th August 2019 has brought about a paradigm shift in the socio-political landscape of…


Crush them now: India’s systematic violence in Occupied Kashmir

For over three decades, the region of Indian Occupied Kashmir has been a crucible of Armed conflict and suffering, marked…

CategoriesAcademic Article Blog

Silent Suffering: The Unheard Voices of Kashmiri Women on International Women’s Day

As the world marks another International Women's Day, the global spotlight turns towards acknowledging and celebrating the remarkable achievements, resilience,…


Dark Days Deadly Nights – December 1994

Dark Days Deadly Nights is the collection of testimonies of the Kashmiri civilians who were brutally massacred by the Indian…


The case of Dr Mohammad Qasim Faktoo: Perpetuating “judicial” violence, suspending Human rights in accelerated panopticons

Legal Forum for Kashmir-LFK is an International legal advocacy group working on the promotion of Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law,…


Structural Violence Perpetrated by Indian occupying Authorities Aimed at Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Muslims: LFK Annual Human Rights Review 2023

The Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFK) released its annual report, titled “Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir…