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LFK Bi-Annual Review on Human Rights Situation in IOJK, Jan-June 2023

Download report The first six months of 2023 January-June saw a new trend of state repression and counterinsurgency operations in the war-trampled region of IOJK. On the ground, the violations of International Human Rights law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian law (IHL) led to appalling human tragedies. International response against these ‘Atrocity Crimes’ was inconsistent, as well as other patterns…


Slaughter in Sopore

Download Report On the morning of January 6, 1993, Indian occupying troops of 94 Battalion, Border Security Force (94 Bn. BSF), led by Commanding Officer S. Thangappan, shot and killed 46 people and injured dozens more. This fact finding probe compiled by Institute of Kashmir studies-IKS is eye-opener to the world that India and it’s…


Annual Human Rights Review – Indian occupied Kashmir, 2022.

1) A total of 312 killings. 2) 200 major cordon and search operations (CASOs). 3) 212 residential houses destroyed. 4) 116 military operations. 5) 181 freedom fighters killed. 6) 45 civilians murdered by the occupying forces. 7) Death of 24 Indian occupying forces. 8)  Intimidation, harassment, arbitrary detention and illegal confinement. 9) 24 structures (houses,…


Extra-Judicial Execution of Tabarak Hussain (Mentally Challenged) By Indian Occupying Forces – IOF

view Dossier Tabarak Hussain, 32, the mentally challenged son of Abdul Malik, resident of Sabzkot, Kotli in Pakistan Administered Kashmir (PAK) inadvertently crossed the Ceasefire Line on August 21. The Indian Border Security Forces indiscriminately fired upon him and captured him alive in injured condition. He had at least two bullet wounds, one in his…