Legal Forum for Kashmir

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LFK Bi-Annual Review on Human Rights Situation in IOJK, Jan-June 2023

Download report The first six months of 2023 January-June saw a new trend of state repression and counterinsurgency operations in the war-trampled region of IOJK. On the ground, the violations of International Human Rights law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian law (IHL) led to appalling human tragedies. International response against these ‘Atrocity Crimes’ was inconsistent, as well as other patterns…


The Façade of G20 in Jammu and Kashmir

India’s recent decision to host a G20 meeting in the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir has sparked controversy and raised concerns among the international community. This move by the Narendra Modi-led central government is seen by many as a disregard for international law and United Nations resolutions regarding the Kashmir conflict. Critics argue that…