Legal Forum for Kashmir


عزم واستقامت کاپہاڑپیرحسام الدین شہید

دورحاضرمیں  انسانی حقوق محض  ایک نعرہ  بن چکا ہے۔ انسانی حقوق کی ان پامالیوں اصل سبب  انسان  کا وہ حیوانی جذبہ ہے جو اسے دوسروں پر ناحق حکم چلانے کےلیے اکساتا ہے۔  یہی وجہ ہے کہ صدیوں سے یہ بحث جاری ہے کہ انسانوں کے ایک دوسرے پر کیا حقوق ہیں؟ بقول سید مودودی: ”…


Will Afghanistan have a spillover effect on Kashmir?

Just two days before Governor Jagmohan Malhotra, backed by the Indian Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) movement, was reappointed in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, a massive protest broke out in Srinagar, the summer capital of Kashmir to control the pro-freedom demonstrations. It has been over three decades since Jan. 21, 1990, when Indian occupying troops under his command…


نزاع كشمير من منظور القانون الدولي الإنساني

محمد رفيق شنوارى   تدور قضية كشمير – ولا سيما في خضم المحاولات لفهمها من منظور الصراع المسلح – حول حق تقرير المصير. وفقًا لما قاله وودرو ويلسون أنه لا يمكن أن يستمر أي سلام لا يعترف بالمبدأ القائل بأن الحكومات تستمد كل سلطاتها العادلة من موافقة المحكومين ، وأنه لا يوجد حق في أي…


Imagining Kashmir, hereafter

By Dr Abdul Manaan If one has to get sense of how fast is time running, ask any Kashmiri who has witnessed it all from Balakote bombing to Pakistan and India resuming trade, and then abrupt reversal of the decision, after later illegally and unilaterally annexed Kashmir in 2019. Let us put things in perspective…


How India stifles news media in Kashmir

Kashmir is fighting for its United Nations-guaranteed right to self-determination and to put an end to India’s decadeslong military occupation of the region. The Kashmiri dispute is categorized as an international armed conflict involving India and Pakistan. Both countries have fought three major wars – in 1948, 1965 and 1991 – over Kashmir. Indigenous armed…


LFOVK’S Work Post 5th August

A year of constitutional fraud and unlawful annexation of the Article 370 and 35A has stripped the region of its special autonomous status and permanent residence along with the application of discriminatory laws such as J&K Reorganisation Order 2020, further dividing the region into two ‘union territories’. The new Indian Domicile Laws are designed to…