Legal Forum for Kashmir


The Curse of Memory

I should have forgotten as soon as it happened. Memories can haunt. Become nightmares. Forgetting is a blessing. I envy those who master the art of forgetfulness. They can move on in life easily. I am not among them. I am cursed. I remember. I don’t know why I remember but, unfortunately, I do. I…


Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, and Genocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human Rights Watchdogs

Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, andGenocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human RightsWatchdogs Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, andGenocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human RightsWatchdogs Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, andGenocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human RightsWatchdogs Download Research Paper The 74 years of military occupation in Jammu and Kashmir is considered as longest occupation in modern history, with…

CategoriesPress Release

Annual Human Rights Review – Indian occupied Kashmir, 2021

Annual Human Rights Review 2021 Review: 257 killings, 195 CASOs, 130 residential houses bombed, 80 military operations, 163 freedom fighters killed, 48 Indian occupying forces killed in retaliation, and 46 civilians murdered by the occupying forces. And Indian right-wing regime arrests members of the Kashmiri Civil Society, journalists, and activists. This annual report prepared by…


UNESCO and Kashmir, debunking India’s settler colonial project

On November 8, Srinagar, the summer capital of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir was selected among 49 cities worldwide to join the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO’s creative cities network (UCCN). UCCN secretariat is administered by UNESCO, which ensures the network’s management at the global level. The initiative provides support…

CategoriesPress Release

Black Day: Demystifying Kashmir under siege.

The webinar, titled ‘Demystifying Kashmir Under Siege’, was hosted by Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFOVK), an advocacy group for Kashmir based in Pakistan’s capital Islamabad. India has moved away from United Nation Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, the ongoing situation in Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IOJK) demands global attention, the speakers emphasized. “The most important thing…