Internships are full-time positions that last for 3 to 6 months or sometimes go upto a year. Interns are assigned to an organizational unit of Legal Forum for Kashmir according to the needs of the organization and their own areas of interest. They are involved, inter alia, in: researching human rights abuses, torture, disappearances, drafting analytical papers and reports, providing substantive and technical servicing of meetings, backstopping fact-finding and technical cooperation activities as well as field operations and supporting other LFK activities, depending on the exigencies of the Office.

Internships for undergrad, Masters and grad students are available at the Office of the Legal Forum for Kashmir. These internships are intended to:

• Increase the intern’s understanding of diverse modes and manifestations of human rights violations in Kashmir and give them an insight into the work of Legal Forum in this field; and

• Provide Legal Forum for Kashmir mechanisms with the assistance and contribution of outstanding young students or graduates.

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