Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, and Genocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human Rights Watchdogs
Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, andGenocide Threat in IOJK: Role Human RightsWatchdogs Atrocity Crimes, Constitutional Onslaught, andGenocide Threat in IOJK: Role…

Annual Human Rights Review – Indian occupied Kashmir, 2021
Annual Human Rights Review 2021 Review: 257 killings, 195 CASOs, 130 residential houses bombed, 80 military operations, 163 freedom fighters…

UNESCO and Kashmir, debunking India’s settler colonial project
On November 8, Srinagar, the summer capital of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir was selected among 49 cities…

Black Day: Demystifying Kashmir under siege.
The webinar, titled ‘Demystifying Kashmir Under Siege’, was hosted by Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFOVK), an advocacy group for Kashmir…

The Doctrine of Responsibility to Protect in the case of Indian-occupied Kashmir
The 73 years of military occupation of the UN recognised disputed territory of Kashmir, makes it one of the longest…

عزم واستقامت کاپہاڑپیرحسام الدین شہید
دورحاضرمیں انسانی حقوق محض ایک نعرہ بن چکا ہے۔ انسانی حقوق کی ان پامالیوں اصل سبب انسان کا وہ حیوانی…

Will Afghanistan have a spillover effect on Kashmir?
Just two days before Governor Jagmohan Malhotra, backed by the Indian Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) movement, was reappointed in Indian-occupied Jammu and…

International Response on Kashmir Issue after the Revocation of Article 370 and 35A
Introduction: On 5 August 2019, the government of India revoked the special constitutional status of the erstwhile state of Jammu…

Bi-annual Human Rights Review: 107 killings, 114 CASOs, 29 Gunfights
Bi-Annual Human Rights Review (Jan – June 2021) Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir is under unprecedented censorship and this undemocratic forms…