The occupied region of Kashmir and India’s Mumbai-based Hindi cinema, popularly known as Bollywood, share a long history of relationship.

UN Resolutions
List of UNSC resolutions concerning the Kashmir conflict.
Letters and Petitions to International Organizations.
Press Release
Press Release for the media houses and news agencies.
Universal Jurisdiction
universal jurisdiction lawfare against India’s war crimes.

The Legal Forum for Kashmir (LFK) is an international, non-violent, and legal organization. Its members are indigenous people of the occupied territory in Jammu and Kashmir. The aim of the organization is to defend the political, social and human rights of Kashmiris and to promote the UN sanctioned Right of Self-Determination.
In today’s world, the notion of conflict resolution necessitates that those who continue to be denied their rights or remain excluded be given an opportunity to present their case. Unfortunately, it remains the case that Kashmiris themselves continue to be marginalized, even invibilise, in most discussions or narratives on the conflict. LFK has, therefore, been established to fill the gap, providing an international forum through which its members can become effective participants and contributors in the international community.
LFK works to address the consequences of marginalization, working with its members.
Atrocity Crimes Perpetrated by Indian Occupying Forces in Occupied Territory

It is forbidden under the provisions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Enforced Disappearances
India signed the Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance on 6 February 2007 but has yet to ratify it.

Rape as weapon of war
Hundreds of women have been raped with impunity & most of them go unreported given the social stigma and fear of retribution by the State
Human Rights Violations in
Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir
January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2022
India occupied Kashmir aggressively keeping all the rules and regulations above the fold but it could not get the spirit of independence out of the hearts of Kashmiris. So far more than one lac Kashmiri citizens have been martyred in the valley, thousands of women have been raped and all forms of violence have been tried but the spirit of Kashmis’ freedom has not been diminished.
Civilian Killings
Freedom Fighters
Indian Occupying Forces
Human Rights Violations in
Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir
January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2023
Why LFK?
In the today’s world where majority of conflicts are interested, LFK has been established to fill the gap, providing an international forum through which its members can become effective participants and contributors to the international community.
LFK works to address the consequences of marginalization, working with its members to promote their democratic rights, to provide information, and to articulate creative and non-violent strategies for progress above all however, LFK works to ensure their voices are heard.
Volunteer with us
Work with us to become a part of the Legal Forum for Kashmir as we highlight the Kashmir issue internationally.
Submit Testimonies
Anonymously submit testimony or report the Human Right abuse perpetrated by Indian occupying troops in Kashmir.
Events and Meetings
Recent News

2024 Bi-Annual Review: Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir
The first six months of 2024 (January-June) saw a continued trend of state repression and counter-insurgency operations in the war-trampled…

Heat wave and health hazards: Kashmiri female political prisoners in India face dire situation that must be addressed
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners: Prisoners shall be required to keep their persons clean, and…
The Multimedia section of Legal forum for Kashmir covers the human rights violations through images, videos, and infographics to manifest the ground reality of Kashmir. We are also moving towards interviewing important people aware of the nuances of the conflict. LFK is equally invested in going in the direction of preparing documentaries on various aspects of the conflict.
We're currently working in

where we work
We are currently working in
Legal Forum for Kashmir is currently working in Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, London, and Brussels. The aim of the organization is to lobby and bring forth awareness about the conflict in Kashmir. We intend to expand our operations in Canada, U.S. Malaysia, and other parts of the world.

Quotes By International Leaders and Organizations